These are the people I work with…
Jimena Monzón Sandoval, PhD student,
Research Topic: Gene co-expression networks in the developing nervous system. Co-expression patterns of immune related genes in the developing and adult nervous system
Atahualpa Castillo Morales,
PhD student
Research topic: Genomic determinants of encephalization in mammals.
Detection of genomic determinants of neuronal long term postmitotic survival.
Yin Wencheng,
PhD student
Research topic: Gene Coexpression network structure in Alzheimer’s disease.
Beau Reynolds
MSc-Res Student
Research topic: Co-expression dynamics of mitosis-related genes in the developing and adult nervous system
Fatima Castro.
BSc Biotechnology, Erasmus internship student (Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal)
Research topic: Co-expression dynamics of Cellular longevity-related genes in the developing and adult human nervous system.
Dr Luis Mendoza Sierra.
Sabbatical Research Fellow (National Universityof Mexico-UNAM). Gene regulatory network (GRN) modelling of gene co-expression patterns. Reverse engineering of regulatory interactions based on real genome-wide transcriptional data.
Ricardo Cerda Hernandez Visiting Researcher (Centro de Ciencias Genòmicas, UNAM, Mexico) Research topic: Transcriptional determinants of neurodegenerative decline. Genome wide transcriptional profiling of a mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease.
Mayra Luisa Ruiz-Tejada
Visiting Researcher (Centro de Ciencias Genòmicas, UNAM, Mexico) Research topic: Transcriptional determinants of neurodegenerative decline. Genome wide transcriptional profiling of a mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease.
Interested in joining us?
I am keen to hear from prospective graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. If you are an undergraduate or a masters student wishing to do a term project or a summer internship, please just send an email attaching a copy of your C.V. Prospective Erasmus Internship students are also very welcome.